Mrs. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Lan calling for support of her daughter - blogger Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh aka. Me Nam

My name is Nguyen Thi Tuyet Lan. I am the mother of Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, aka. Blogger Me Nam.

On October 10, 2016 my daughter was arrested by Khanh Hoa’s police and she was accused of “propaganda against the Socialist Replublic of Vietnam” under article 88 of the Penal Code. Currently my daughter is detained at Khanh Hoa province’s prison.

After Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh’s arrest, our family had received numerous empathy and concerns of many supporters both inside and outside of Vietnam. Some international organizations on human rights and the media also raised their concerns about my daughter’s situation. As a mother having a child imprisoned only because of her fight against injustice and her advocacies for human rights, democracy, national integrity and environmental issues, I am in dire need of your support in regain freedom and justice for Quynh.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On October 17th, I have visited the office of security and investigation of Khanh Hoa’s police to ask about the status of my daughter as well as requesting for her to have access to a lawyer. After that, I also make a request for the presence of a lawyer during the interrogation. However, Khanh Hoa’s police verbally informed me that my daughter cann’t have access to a lawyer because the police “wasn’t finished the paperwork”. 

On October 25th, the security and investigative agency of Khanh Hoa province sent me a request to come work with them. Worry too much about my daughter’s well-being and hoping to find out about her situation, I went to meet with them. 

As I recalled before she got arrested, my daughter reminded me to call a lawyer for her. Quynh also said that she will be fasting until she can meet her lawyer to defend her. I am suffering because the police never let me know of any news about my daughter. They only made announcement that my daughter "has no right to meet a lawyer". I am very disappointed and more worried about my daughter's health. Today is the 17th day of her arrest and I have no knowledge about the condition of my daughter. Rights to have a lawyer is one of basic human rights and my daughter cannot be the exception.

My daughter, blogger Me Nam - Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh would not have committed any crime if she lives in a democratic country. Just because speaking out about the human rights, protecting the environment and helping those innocent people, the police had arrested my daughter. She left behind her two children - one is 4 years old and the other is 10 years old who dearly missed their mother. From the day the police came to the house and arrested Quynh, our family have always lived in fear. My mother, as grandmother of Quynh now is 90 years old, had been frightened when she heard the noise at the gate. Nam, Quynh's daughter had become silent, she isolated herself in the room after school. Also, the youngest son of Quynh this year is four years old, he keeps crying, wanting his mother and asked questions that felt like a knife stabbed into my heart. I do not know how long my daughter has to stay in prison. However, the victim of this prosecution is not only my daughter, the consequence have put heavy burden on these two young children. As for me and my mother(Quynh's gradmother), now we always live in fear and worrisome. Our lives have been very difficult and felt threatened with the absent of Quynh.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am writing this letter to call for your attention to the arrest of my daughter – “Mother Mushroom”, Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh.

Please raise your concerns with me and my grandchildren to seek justice for “Mother Mushroom”.

My daughter needs a lawyer!

My grand children need their mother!

Even if Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh won’t be release, but with your support and companion is extremely valuable. That will help strenghthen Quynh, help us to overcome this difficulty.

Finally, please accept from me sincere gratitude. I do not know what to say but to send you the best wishes of health and peace.

Nha Trang, October 27th, 2016

Nguyen Thi Tuyet Lan

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