List of “The Four Pillars” revealed on Tan Son Nhat Airport TV screens?

Danlambao’s reader - Ministry of Police had to engage with a happening after the whole TV system at Tan Son Nhat airport was infiltrated Jan. 12th afternoon, 2016.

Considered as a serious and ‘politically motivated’ attack, the incident took place at exactly the time when the 14th Central Committee conference was in progress to discuss personnel matters.

Tan son Nhat Airport (photo illustrated)

Prime Minister Dung’s “bloody face”?

At 17:45pm, advertisement TV screens at Tan Son Nhat airport were suddenly taken over and the on-screen contents changed.

The attack, according to Danlambao’s sources, lasted approximately more than 5 minutes.

Just when the whole control system was controlled, a name list of “the powerful Four Pillars” immediately appeared on the screen, including photos of Messrs. Nguyen Phu Trong, Tran Dai Quang, Nguyen Xuan phuc and Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan.

Most strikingly, according to the source, the image of PM Nguyen Tan Dung’s “bloody face” was openly displayed on the screen.

Only when someone cut off power did the incident stop; the whole TV system screens went dark.

Nguyen Tan Dung besieged by his ‘comrades’

Who was in charge?

The happening was covered on several newspapers, but it was deleted immediately thereafter for unknown reasons.

It seems that the top Communist ruling circles have been fully aware of the seriousness and ‘sensitivity’ of the incident, especially at a time when the political infighting for power is already in full swing.

This also reflects in the concerned authorities’s cautious attitude on answering the press.

Speaking with Tuoi Tre (Youth Newspaper), a Tan Son Nhat key official admitted that the infiltration did occur, but declined to provide further details.

Quoted by a source, prior to being deleted on Tuoi Tre newspaper, the news item described: “ It lasted within a few minutes; the whole system of screens was posted with bad news like on the Internet, then the screens went dark owing to power cutoff and no further details were on display thereafter.”

The act of hiding information suggests this is not a common practice, which is very highly related to “ the powerful four pillars” beginning to surface.

All doubts focuses on Vice Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc – a figure supposedly to have been ‘chosen’ to sit in the PM’s chair in the coming Communist Party Conference.

According to a Danlambao’s source, the infiltration took place right at Tan Son Nhat domestic terminal, which is mostly staffed by Vice PM Phuc’s subordinates.

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  • Tình hình Việt Nam đã chín mùi cho một cuộc cách mạng long trời lở đất05.08.2016 - 0 Comments
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